
SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet

The M.I.S.S. Concept

SOS Diet - Low Sugar High Fiber | Easy to Understand Diet Plan | Low Sugar Diet Plan | High Fiber Diet Plan | Where Can I Find the Easiest Diet Plan on the Web?

Stop Only Sugar Diet | Easy Diet Plan | High Fiber Diet | No More Rules

Most diets fail because they are too complicated with too many rules. They often tell you which foods you can and can’t eat. Some tell you to eat certain foods together for results. They may also be selling you their various diet products, in addition to their book. All your short and simple diet choices are in the SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet.

For a weight management plan to be effective, you should follow Doc’s M.I.S.S. Concept—Make It Short and Simple! This is why the SOS Diet plan really works. The SOS Diet rules are very simple: Rule 1 - Low Sugar, Rule 2 - High Fiber, Rule 3 - NO MORE RULES!

That advice is being followed by the thousands of readers of the best-selling book by Dr. James A. Surrell, MD., SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet. During his 20-year plus career as a colon surgeon, Dr. Surrell has helped tens of thousands of people lose weight permanently using the short and simple SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet.

This SOS Diet book was intentionally written to be a very short book, easy to understand and follow. It is written for the person who wants to be able to follow a very short and simple life-long weight management program. This proven SOS Diet—a truly easy low sugar diet—will allow you to painlessly lose 5 to 8 pounds per month. That is 60 to 80 pounds per year… or more!

SOS Real People (Just like you) Success Stories

Since starting my SOS Diet simple lifestyle change 10 months ago, I have lost 50 pounds.  I feel amazingly well and I like to call this my smarter lifestyle. By eating smarter with low sugar I achieved these wonderful results! Thanks for all your research and work that has truly changed my life.

My cardiologist told me to start SOS Diet because my cholesterol medications did not work to lower my very high cholesterol. He got my attention and I started SOS. In just six short months, my cholesterol went from 290 to 121, and I have lost 25 pounds. Believe me, I recommend your SOS book to everyone.

I started your diet after I purchased your short and simple book about a year ago and I read it in one night. I am quite tall but I was also very overweight. To date I have lost 112 pounds and my husband has lost 30 pounds as well. I am off all medications now, and my own doctor and I are both thrilled.

Thank you for coming to speak at our employee meeting.  As I told you, I started the SOS diet program about a year ago, after your talk to our group. Just by following the simple SOS Diet rules of low sugar and high fiber, and reading food labels, I lost 72 pounds in one year. I am so much healthier today.