
SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet

Low-Fat Diet Myths

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Over and over again, you hear talking heads telling you the key to weight loss is consuming a low-fat diet. “Eat fat, be fat,” they say. This is an antiquated way of thinking about weight loss and one that could actually be doing more harm than good.

If it is labeled “Low Fat,” “Reduced Fat,” or “Fat Free,” it is always good for you. Wrong again, sugar breath! Many high-sugar food items, such as candy bars, salad dressings, ketchup and other condiments, as well as many other “Low Fat” labeled foods are very unhealthy because of the very high sugar content. This sugar will be stored as body fat, add pounds to your frame, and likely increase your cholesterol.

The key to long-term weight loss and management is in a low sugar diet, not necessarily a low-fat diet. Chapter 15 of the SOS Diet Book deals with a variety of different diet myths, and we will preview a few of those low-fat diet myths below.

Low-Fat Diet Myths #1

You must avoid all fat in your diet. Not true! There is agreement that unsaturated fats are actually good for you. Further, recent scientific research has shown that saturated fats are also good for you. In addition, a diet too low in fats may lead to joint pain. The bottom line is that you only need to avoid trans fats.

Low-Fat Diet Myths #2

If it is labeled “Low Fat,” “Reduced Fat,” or “Fat Free,” it is always good for you. Wrong again, sugar breath! Many high-sugar food items, such as candy bars, salad dressings, ketchup and other condiments, as well as many other “Low Fat” labeled foods are very unhealthy because of the very high sugar content. This sugar will be stored as body fat, add pounds to your frame, and likely increase your cholesterol.

Always check the label for the grams of sugar a product contains and avoid those high-sugar items.

Read more interesting Diet Myths in Chapter 15 when you purchase your copy of the SOS Diet Book today!

SOS Real People (Just like you) Success Stories

It has been 5 months since my doctor told me to start SOS.  I was skeptical and never had success on any diet. Well, I am skeptical no more!  I lost 31 pounds in 5 months. I used to be on 5 pills every day for cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes. I am now down to one pill a day, and may get off that one, too.

I want you to know that I bought your SOS book last year and I am so excited to report to you that I have lost more than 80 pounds in one year on your easy to follow SOS Diet. I want to thank you so much for SOS and will stay in touch and keep you posted on my progress.

I started your diet after I purchased your short and simple book about a year ago and I read it in one night. I am quite tall but I was also very overweight. To date I have lost 112 pounds and my husband has lost 30 pounds as well. I am off all medications now, and my own doctor and I are both thrilled.

I have been following your SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet for about five months. I have tried so many other weight loss programs they all have way too rules, counting, weighing, and measuring for them to work for me.  In just five months, I have lost 36 pounds and I feel great and I am so much healthier.