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SOS Real People (Just like you) Success Stories

Since starting my SOS Diet simple lifestyle change 10 months ago, I have lost 50 pounds.  I feel amazingly well and I like to call this my smarter lifestyle. By eating smarter with low sugar I achieved these wonderful results! Thanks for all your research and work that has truly changed my life.

In my six months on the SOS Diet I have lost over thirty-five pounds!  Also, I just had my annual physical. I am so happy to say that after just these few months on the SOS diet my blood work is now fantastic!  My cholesterol and triglyceride levels are now normal and in the past they have been terrible. 

I have been following your SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet for about five months. I have tried so many other weight loss programs they all have way too rules, counting, weighing, and measuring for them to work for me.  In just five months, I have lost 36 pounds and I feel great and I am so much healthier.

It has been 5 months since my doctor told me to start SOS.  I was skeptical and never had success on any diet. Well, I am skeptical no more!  I lost 31 pounds in 5 months. I used to be on 5 pills every day for cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes. I am now down to one pill a day, and may get off that one, too.